Users are authenticated with Firebase Authentication. They have a choice of either using their email or gmail accounts. The authentication is needed for users to upload information about their lost bikes. But mainly it is a used so users can chat with each other if a lost bike is found, which is an upcoming feature.
The precaution is the main aspect of the application. This allows users to scan the area 500ft around their current location and get all the robbery/crime data around them. Then users are informed on whether the area is safe enough to lock your bike. The crime data is pulled in through the background using Async Task from NYC Open Data which provides the data in a JSON format.
Recovery allows users who have lost their bike to post a contacts, description and picture of their lost bike including a rewards for anyone that finds it. This is done using the Firebase Realtime Database and Firebase Storage to store the images.
Location allows users to save the location of where they locked their bike, incase they forget. Users are able to delete and add multiple locations which are all stored locally. So incase there is no internet access users can still access it.